[Catalist] Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) Schools Quiz

Lelinh Duong lelinh.duong at postgrad.curtin.edu.au
Mon Jun 12 16:10:54 AEST 2017

Dear All,

Just a kind reminder that the Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) schools quiz is still currently running and will close soon on 7th July.

Students can participate through the ASMR website:


 The format will be similar to previous years:

  *   20 questions covering 6 topics in medical research
  *   Will take approximately 1 hr
  *   Prizes will be awarded to the students with the most correct answers in 3 age groups, Years 7 - 8, 9 - 10, and 11 -12.
  *   Younger students (Year 6 etc.) are also welcome to participate and if we have large numbers we can create a new prize division
  *   Prizes will be gift vouchers (i.e. iTunes, Coles Myer vouchers etc.)

The ASMR is the peak professional body representing health and medical researchers, and part of the Society's mission is to engage with the community about health and medical research. The Society runs a number of programs throughout Australia. One of the biggest events in the ASMR calendar is Medical Research Week (June 1 - June 9, 2017). In WA we have a range of events on during this week, and for students the Quiz and Science in the Cinema might be of interest. You can find some more information about the ASMR on their webpage (https://asmr.org.au/asmr-mrw/western-australia/) and also on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/theASMR)

If you are interested in participating, please head to the ASMR website (link above), or if you have any questions please send me an email.

Best regards,

Lelinh Duong

ASMR Schools Quiz WA

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