[Catalist] STEM at Murdoch

Fiona Mochrie F.Mochrie at murdoch.edu.au
Tue Oct 10 12:50:43 AEDT 2017

Dear All,

I hope you had a great break.  I just wanted to share a few upcoming STEM events that you and your students may be interested in:

How can nature's architecture inspire next-generation technology?
Monday 16 October 2017, 6-7pm, Free public lecture
How can something appear green, without a colour pigment? Dr Gerd Schröder-Turk<http://profiles.murdoch.edu.au/myprofile/gerd-schroeder-turk/> is leading research to discover how naturally-occurring nanostructures are doing just that, and how we can reproduce these structures to inspire new technologies.
MORE INFO<https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/how-can-natures-architecture-inspire-next-generation-technology-tickets-36918496216>

Our #codelikeagirl club will also be starting next Tuesday and running every Tuesday this term from 3.30 pm - 5.30 pm (it's ok if students are a bit late).  If any of your students would like to participate they can find more information and download the application form from experience.murdoch.edu.au

Hope to see you at Murdoch soon!

Fiona Mochrie
Outreach Officer

Academic Registrar's Office | External Engagement
Biological Sciences Building | Room 2-011
Ph: +61 8 9360 7656
M: +61 410 086 382

E: f.mochrie at murdoch.edu.au<mailto:f.mochrie at murdoch.edu.au>

Murdoch University
90 South Street, Murdoch WA 6150
Murdoch Outreach Webpage<http://www.murdoch.edu.au/study/undergraduate-students/for-teachers-families/teachers>

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