[Catalist] WebX

Michelle Plaistowe michelleplaistowe at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 26 21:05:48 AEDT 2020

WebEx is great! My children did their online lessons through WebEx last year while we were in Cambodia and they were enrolled with SIDE (the School of Isolated and Distance Ed).
My eight year old son managed to turn the teacher's white board off though, so there were some issues with student access!

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From: Catalist <catalist-bounces at lists.stawa.net> on behalf of Andrew Williams <Andrew.Williams at curtin.edu.au>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 5:27:40 PM
To: WA Science Teachers Discussion List <catalist at lists.stawa.net>; Rod Blitvich <rblit at iinet.net.au>
Subject: Re: [Catalist] WebX

On 2020-03-26 4:53 PM, Rod Blitvich wrote:

> Zoom got some rave reviews BUT both DOE ICT Customer Support and the DOE
> Corona Virus email support people have pointed out that Zoom is not on
> DOE's list of "approved apps".
> I am now comfortable that WebX will be useful

Hi all, to clarify, there's two products usually called called 'Webex' -
'Webex Meetings', and 'Webex Teams'. Both are licensed to the WA
education department, so if you sign up with a departmental email, use
your departmental password when asked, and you'll get all the paid-for
features. They are very different products, and don't work together at all.

'Webex Meetings' is good for one-on-one telecons, while 'Webex Teams' is
good for working with predefined groups of people. For example, you
might create a team for all the teachers in the science department, or
for you and the students in a class. You can also share and store files
(including the shared whiteboards) long term for a team. It also lets
the meeting organiser have more control - muting everyone else on entry
by default, forcing everyone to see just the presenter's video, etc.
It's also the only way to connect to a Cisco 'Spark' board, or other
video conferencing hardware (not that anyone would at home).

There's a good comparison of the two here:


That said, for anything other than one-to-one calls, I would use Zoom in
a heartbeat over either of the Cisco products, and Zoom is allowing K-12
teachers around the world to use the professional features (up to 100
participants, unlimited length meetings) for free.

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