[Catalist] Rubric Grading and Decline in Student Science Understanding

Michael McGarry mmcgarry44 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 09:15:09 AEST 2018

Rubric Grading and Decline in Student Science Understanding

Greetings CATALIST and ASTARIX 2.0 Subscribers,

I contend that Grading with Rubrics has contributed to the evidenced, about 10 to 20-year decline in Australian Student Understanding and Participation in Science and Mathematics [STEM] measured by International Tests like TIMSS and PISA.

URL 1: https://www.teachermagazine.com.au/columnists/geoff-masters/20-year-slide-in-maths-and-science-learning <https://www.teachermagazine.com.au/columnists/geoff-masters/20-year-slide-in-maths-and-science-learning>
URL 2: https://rd.acer.org/article/PISA-2015-Australian-students-achievement <https://rd.acer.org/article/PISA-2015-Australian-students-achievement>
URL 3: http://www.chiefscientist.gov.au/2016/07/science-and-maths-in-australian-secondary-schools-datasheet/ <http://www.chiefscientist.gov.au/2016/07/science-and-maths-in-australian-secondary-schools-datasheet/>
I also contend that grading with Rubrics is unreliable as different teachers assign different grades to the same sample of student work within a school, and between schools.

URL 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p21wvti1HY8 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p21wvti1HY8>
I am not professionally criticising teachers shown in the YouTube video. 

I also contend that teacher-time expended on grading with Rubrics increases the occupational workloads of teachers. Such ‘wasted’ time would be better spent on the planning and preparation of top-quality lessons in science conceptual understandings, and in science process skills.

Uploaded to ASTARIX 2.0 e-forum is a ‘Hands-On’ activity in STEM.

More ‘exemplar’ STEM modules at URL 5: http://moodle.asta.edu.au <http://moodle.asta.edu.au/>.

With Best Wishes,

Michael John McGarry
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